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11 Mar 2013

Three Tips for Your Guest Blogging Campaign

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 Guest blogging isn't just about submitting guest posts to as many blogs as you can. If you want a successful campaign that will get you valuable backlinks, some planning and strategy is called for.
Keep a list of guest blogging sites
At first, it's easy to remember every single blog you submit articles to. But that changes when you have been going at it for months and written possibly dozens or even hundreds of posts. Don't rely too much on your memory. It'll get fuzzy. Instead, keep a list of these guest blogging sites. Make a note of those blogs that have accepted articles from you, those that rejected them, those that never responded, and so on. This will help remind you where you've been and where you have yet to look. It will also save you time choosing which sites to submit additional posts to and which you don't want to bother with.
Save all your articles
Save copies of your guest posts on your computer, in your word processor format or even plain text or 
HTML. It doesn't matter. What does matter is you have copies of every article you have submitted for guest blogging. Note which site you sent each article to, and the URL for the published piece if it was accepted. Why do this? So you can remember what article titles and ideas you have used and where. Trust me, after so many articles on Facebook or SEO or Gmail, it will all seem like a blur. Besides, keeping copies will help you quickly grab a rejected article and submit it elsewhere.
Reuse rejected articles
Wasted effort is a sin. Besides, one blog's kryptonite could be the elixir for another. If a blog snobs your guest post, take it somewhere else. But first, verify the first site really did reject your article. Sometimes they just take a while to get back with you. When you do reuse an article, make sure it follows the submission guidelines for the new site. Each blog may have different word count, markup and backlink requirements. You may need to edit it a bit. Once you've resubmitted it, update your original document accordingly.


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