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Showing posts with label Blogger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogger. Show all posts

29 Nov 2013

Adding Blogger Contact form in your Blogger Blog

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Contact form in your Blog
Blogger have given you the service through which you can add Contact form in your any page right from your Layout in Dashboard. Yes, I can hear your scream, Where the hell is that if I have check all the gadgets in Layout menu.

Well, Why don't you go and Check More Gadgets column in the list of Blogger Gadgets. Yes, Exactly there is your Official Blogger Contact form which you can use in your blogger blog without knowing any HTML game.

I know its kind of Old Looking but  I am promising you soon I am coming with a Modified Version of Contact form which will dress up this Contact form. Yes, For That Modified Form You have to install this Official Contact Form. So, Ready Let's see what steps you have to follow in order to Add Contact form in Your Blogger Blog.

1. Go to Your Blogger Dashboard>> Layout>> and click on add gadget ( Screenshot Below) 

Add Gadget

2. Click on More Gadget and click on Plus Button.

Add Contact form

3. Rename Title as you want Click on Save & you are done…!! :)

Configure your Contact form

See, Its Done... :) and You are wasting your valuable time in search 'How to add Contact form in Blogger Blog' well, it's okay, DO forget to tell me how is it?? and Do share if it helped you.

Thank you!!!


11 Apr 2013

8 Perfect Gift Ideas For A Blogger

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8 Perfect Gift Ideas For A Blogger

31 Days to a Better Blog by Darren Rowse –Darren just released a new version of this amazing e-book for 2012.  I bought this e-book early in my blogging career and it was the BEST investment I could have made in my blogs.  I attribute most of my blogging success to this little e-book which is FULL of tips and ideas from the problogger himself.  This man built a blog from scratch to earning a six figure income each year.  He’s definitely doing something right and shares a lot of his expertise in this e-book.
Web Hosting – Having your blog on your own hosting gives you more control and more peace of mind about your content.  Your content is safer and is less likely to disappear or become inaccessible.  Sometimes the price of web hosting scares bloggers from making the important switch from Blogger to WordPress – a crucial step if you’re wanting to make more income from your blog in the long run.  It’s so important to choose the right host – I’ve personally worked with several web hosts in my blogging career and have my thoughts and recommendations on each here: How to Choose a Web Host
Market Samurai – One of the hardest parts of blogging is SEO (Search Engine Optimization).  That’s the art of getting your blog to rank higher in the search engines so that more people will find it.  More people seeing your blog links in the search engines like Google and Yahoo means more traffic for a blog – and thus potentially more income.  Market Samurai is a great tool that does the reserach for you to help you make the little changes necessary to improve your blog’s SEO and get your blog seen by more people.
Night at a coffee shop to work for a couple hours – As a work-at-home mom to two little ones, some of the best “gifts” my husband has given me during my years of blogging have been some nice quiet evenings to myself to JUST focus on blogging.  It’s amazing how much you can get done in a couple of quiet hours to yourself, with a cup of coffee.  I always come home refreshed and more ready to keep up with my blogging tasks in the weeks to come.
Custom Blog Design Makeover - There are blog designers out there to fit everyone’s budget.  Of course, you do get what you pay for… and you might be thinking that you do not have that kind of money to be investing in your blog.  Can I offer a word of advice here?  One based on personal experience?  That investment may be worth more than you can know right now!  Having a blog design that I loved, right from the beginning, would have saved me countless hours of tweaking my own designs – and it would have probably saved me money, too!  Remember that time is valuable, too – give the gift of time and beauty to that blogger on your list with a custom blog design.  Here is a blog designer who’s definitely worth looking into: Berries and Cream Blog Design
Some personal training/mentoring – Whether you’re just getting started with blogging, or you’ve been doing it for a while now, getting the personal input of someone further along in the journey can be just what you need to breathe new life into your blog!  Looking for ideas for how your blog can make more money?  Gain more followers?  Get more notice?  Consider having someone there to walk you through how to change your blog, with hands on advice just for you with a blog mentor.
Write a Tribute to Your Blogger and ask to have it published on one of their favorite blogs – Tell the story of your blogger’s blog – what they write about, how much they love it, what they’ve learned.  Tell about what it’s like living with a blogger.  Then, email the post to one of your blogger’s favorite blog owners and ask if they might consider publishing it.  What a sweet way to pay a tribute to all the work your blogger has put into their blog!  Plus, you’ll gain them some traffic AND the notice of one of their “idols”!
A Premium Theme: I recommend Thesis – If you can’t afford to hire a blog designer as suggested above, purchasing a premium WordPress theme is your next best option.  Premium themes give you so many more options in working with the design of your blog than the generic, free WordPress themes available.  With a premium theme and little bit of time to research how to make your blog look the way you want it to (there are hundreds of resources out there, just a Google search away!), your blog can take on the look and functionality that you’ve always wanted it to.  Here at Blogelina, I use and love the Thesis Theme.  If you’re looking for something that requires a bit less coding, I would also recommend the Genesis themes andElegant Themes.


4 Apr 2013

Optimize Your Blog Post Titles for Better SEO

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The reason most of the blogger templates aren’t that SEO friendly because templates available in Blogger were designed long ago and haven’t been updated, probably since 2007, since then Google SEO algorithm has changed a lot and as being on blogger you don’t want to be left long away, to keep up with the competition making your Blogger template SEO friendly is very important and so this small SEO related article will help you to leave your competitors behind.
If you are also using a template from Blogger then you need to make some changes on it to fit your needs and also to fit the search engine needs. Normally search engine don’t focus on the markup importantly but it’s a good thing to change it to something user friendly.  What Blogger templates like ‘Simple’, Travel’ etc. have h1 tag as it’s Blog title, which is normal. But the Post title is not okay that all, it is in an h3 tag, for many reasons your blog might not being shown up in the search results and this is on of those reasons.
You won’t find any difficulties with a WordPress theme, as they are freshly published and reviewed by experts but templates in Blogger were made by expert but not freshly launched. Just as the search engines detects an anchor link because of it’s markup then why can’t they see what heading is being used for what area.


Enough about it’s effect, let’s talk about how to make the changes applicable. These easy instruction will give you the easiest way to turn your post title to h2 from h3.
  1. First of all login to your Blogger Dashboard
  2. Go to the Template tab and click on Edit HTML, ignore the warning and proceed.
  3. Check mark the ‘Expand Widget Template’
  4. Use CTRL+F and search for this line
    <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'>
  5. All you have to do is just change the <h3> to <h2>, change of only a number. But we aren’t done yet, remember there’s still an ending/closing tag. You have to change both starting <h3>and ending </h3> tag into the template. In the middle it’s all XML codes that works on the server to serve an HTML page.
  1. After you turn the starting h3 to h2, do remember to change the ending tag too or it will create difficulties while saving the template.
  2. You will find the tag two times. one is for Desktop Version Template and another is for Mobile version Template. I recommend you to change all h3 that marks as the post title to h2. Searching for <h3 will bring up the codes but as i already said, remember to change corresponding closing tag too.
Yeah that’s it ! It doesn’t only increase visibility and beauty of your blog in search results but also make your blog user friendly. Now stop using h3 for your post title, h3 is only good in the post body for heading. This was not a big change or addition for better SEO in your blog but remember it is how SEO works, there’s no easy and direct way to get to the top of search results, small and effective actions you take regarding your blog makes it a hit on SEO and search engines.
Don’t get worried if your blog don’t do too good in the search results, keep posting and that’s the most important aspect in getting to the top. And this blog is always free to read, check post related to Blogger SEO for some more amazing post and do subscribe for our coming posts.


20 Mar 2013

15 Mar 2013

Top 5 Reasons Why People Use Blogger

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I'm sure that those who ave been using the Internet for a while are familiar with or have come across the free blog platform - 
Blogger. To put it simply, Blogger is a blog-publishing platform, hosted by Google that allows you to create a blog and maintain it without any charges. All blogs registered under Blogger will be hosted by Google's servers at the subdomain.

Besides Blogger, there are many free blog providers available such, Xanga, Tumblr (mini blog) and etc, which all have their boons and banes. But one thing that they have in common is that they allow you to start a blog for free, and play around with the layout and customize it to make it personal, informational, or commercial as well as let you keep track of your followers.

Tips for New Bloggers

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If you are new to the whole blogging scene, you might find it a bit confusing and overwhelming. There is so much information out there on blogging that it can be difficult to process it all. Here are the basic tips that you need to know as a newbie.


12 Mar 2013

Free SEO Blogger Tips

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The social element in blogging makes it different from static websites and for the same reason SEO for blogs can not be same as SEO for stand alone websites. You can not buy links or manipulate search engine technology to boost your blog's ranking because search engines, and in particular Google, knows more about your blog than you think it does.


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