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Showing posts with label Blog Promotion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blog Promotion. Show all posts

5 Sept 2013

30 Free Places To Promote Your Website Online

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Creating a website isn’t just about designing and setting it up. Like a tree in the forest that falls when no one’s around – does a website without visitors actually exist?

If you want your site to be effective, active online promotion is a necessity. In case you have no experience with promoting your site, you’re probably reaching out for some Aspirin now. But promoting websites isn’t only a simple task, you can even do so much without spending a dime!

The links below provide many opportunities to promote your site for free. It will take just a little of your time, but it can seriously increase your site’s traffic.


Directories are like phone books or Yellow Pages, except online. Submitting your site to online directories is highly recommended as it improves your site’s SEO (directories link back to your website). Make sure you also submit your site to regional, local and niche directories where your clients are most likely looking for you.

Scrub The Web


Entire Web

Exact Seek





Link Centre

So Much

Social Bookmarking:

Social Bookmarking


Bookmarking your content in popular Social Bookmarking sites is a great way of gaining quality backlinks as well as exposing your content to a broader audience.

Stumble Upon


Clip Marks

Blink List



My Link Vault


Links Marker


Search Engines:

Search Engines


Getting search engines to index your site quickly is a key part of gaining more traffic. Make sure these engines know that your site exists by submitting the link directly to them.




Photo-Sharing Sites:

Photo-Sharing Sites

Photo-sharing sites give you an amazing opportunity to display visual content that is related to your business, which you can later use to refer and link back to your site. You can post images of events, coworkers, news and everything that is connected to your biz.





Article-Submission Sites:

Article-Submission Sites


Just like with photo-sharing, article-submission is a terrific way to promote your site. All you need to do is write an article related to your work, organization or services, and submit it to these sites. It’s important to keep these articles actually informative. The less aggressive marketing in the article, the better the chances that readers will be interested in your site.

eZine Articles

Article Wheel

Article Geek

That's it this are some basic place where you should promote your Website or Blog. Every new post from your blog should be first added in this sites then only you will get the traffic you are seeking for.

For more help and question and query. Feel free to comment. I will come up with solution as soon as possible.

Thank you and good day :)  



15 Aug 2013

Creating Useful links from Your Site or Blog

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Provide visitors with links to other sites similar to yours or a meta-index of links that would be of interest to your your target market. Do not put outbound links on your home page. Place them down a level or two after the visitors have seen all the information you want them to see before you provide the links away from your site. Links can be incorporated to Two ways:-

The First is where clicking the link loads the new page in the same browser window.(It replace the content of your page with the content of the linked page.)

The Second and preferred method is to have a link open a new browser window.(Your page stays where it is and the content from linked page opens up in the new browser window.)

The Second way in preferred because once visitors are finished with the new page, they can close the browser window and your page is still there in the "old" browser window. Try exchanging links with others so you can receive a links from their site to your site. As long as the link are value to your visitors, People will come back to see if you have found any new and interesting sites for them to visit.

Google Provides information on Employment opportunities.   

You might consider asking visitors if they are interested in being notified when you update your lists of link or just make updates to your site in general. By offering this, if hey choose to do so, you have the opportunity to send people an e-mail message remind them about your site while presenting them with new information about what might be going on with your site.

21 Apr 2013

10 Tips to Increase Blog Traffic with Google+

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How to Grow Your Blog Audience by Networking on Google+

Google+ is the fastest-growing social networking site. It's a perfect place to connect with people around the world, build relationships, and drive readers to your blog. To get you started, following are 10 tips to help you increase blog traffic with Google+ right now.

1. Create a Complete Profile or Page

If your blog can be identified as a business or brand, then create a Google+ Page for it. If not, use your personal Google+ profile to connect with your blog audience. The first step is to create a comprehensive profile or page that fully describes who you are, what expertise you bring to the table, how to find your blog, what your blog is about, and what makes it special. Follow me on Google+ here. 

2. Connect with People

Once you've created your Google+ profile or page, you need to start connecting with other Google+ members. Search for people you know first. Then look through the people they follow to find more interesting people to follow. As you spend time on blogs and other social web destinations, look for links to connect with interesting people on Google+.

3. Create Circles

Next, you should create circles to categorize your Google+ connections and then place people into appropriate circles. For example, create circles for your blog readers, your blog post sources, people who influence your target audience, people who can help you promote your blog or publicize it, and so on.

4. Send Targeted Messages

As you publish updates to Google+, you can choose which circles to share those updates with so the right audiences get the right messages. This is a great feature that ensures people don't receive the updates you don't want them to see.

5. Publish Interesting Content

Don't just publish links to your blog posts over and over. That's boring and will be viewed as excessive self-promotion. Your Google+ stream of updates should be interesting and meaningful to your audience, not spammy. Therefore, publish and share interesting updates and links that your target audience will find value in and appreciate seeing.

6. Create Sparks

Create sparks to track keywords related to your blog topic and jump into relevant conversations. Share content and updates that other people publish related to your blog topic that your audience is likely to enjoy, and look for new people to connect with on Google+ and blogs to follow outside of Google+.

7. Host Hangouts

Google+ hangouts are video chats between up to 10 Google+ members. You can host a hangout and promote it as a small virtual webinar or tuturial session. Think of how you can tie a video chat session with your blog topic and what kind of valuable information you could share in such a session. Then promote it on your blog as a special event!

8. Host Huddles

Instead of holding a tweet chat on Twitter, you can hold a Google+ huddle, which is a text chat between Google+ members. For example you can promote your Google+ huddle on your blog as a question and answer session between a small group!

9. Integrate and Cross-Promote

Use social media icons, Facebook social plugins, Twitter widgets, and so on to integrate your blog marketing efforts and cross-promote your content. Give people as many ways to find your blog and interact with you as possible.

10. Be Active

Update your Google+ stream frequently with new content, and make sure you spend time commenting on other members' updates as well. The more active you are, the more likely people are to remember who you are, recognize what your blog is about, and click through to read your posts!

19 Apr 2013

How To Use Google + Ripples To Find Influential Bloggers In Your Niche

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        How To Use Google + Ripples To Find Influential Bloggers In Your Niche

Well, the first thing we should probably do is explain what Google+ Ripples are. For those of you who have not come across this useful tool before, it’s essentially an interactive graph of those who have publically shared one of your Google+ posts.

This visual representation of your publically shared posts by others provides fantastic insights into the natural flow of viral content within your niche, and can help you to identify and connect with industry influencers.

Of course, other social media sites provide this sort of data, but it’s usually only available via third party plug-ins. Ripples is Google’s own effort at conveying this sort of info, and it does so in visually friendly and intuitive way.

Using Ripples

If a post has been shared publically, there will be an option to ‘View Ripples’ when you click the little arrow on the right hand corner of the specific post. If you click this you are then led to a graph, which provides the information.

This graph is quite self-explanatory. The top left corner shows the number shares in total and also recently. Each of the bubbles within the graph displays a person’s name and their status when they shared the graph. The most interesting thing though is the size of the bubble.

The larger the bubble, the more shares that particular person contributed to your post. So, if a person has a larger bubble they have provided more clout or influence for that specific post. This allows you to easily see who’s encouraged others to share onwards.


We’re all aware of the importance of influencers in an industry and some have more of this ability than others. Google+ Ripples makes it extremely easy to see who is influencing and driving interaction to your posts via a quick look at the size of their bubbles. 

Nurturing a relationship with these influencers is very important and can allow you to reap huge benefits if you’re a little bit savvy. Add to this how visual and easy to understand it is and there’s no excuse for not making the most of it.


The next step is to group those you deem as niche relevant influencers and those you see as benefiting your posts beyond the immediate repost. Create a circle of these folks and then begin to build a relationship. This is easily done and sending them exclusive content, first peeks, using the hangout feature and also plain old direct interaction go down a treat. That all said, you still need to focus on the other 95% of those in your circles as they are often your bread and butter.

Influential Ripples

It’s also possible to increase the chances of getting an influencer in your field to share your posts with a little calculation and research. There are influencers in any field and then again there are influencers– people who have hundreds of thousands of followers and provide huge potential if they share an article.

The downside is that these people may not be in your circles and so you have no chance of them seeing your Google+ post. Unless!

How to Get the Influence of Influencers

Step One

Firstly, find the largest influencer in your niche or industry and find a post that they shared with their circles. Now look at the Ripple data.

Next, find out who the original poster was and make sure that this original poster has a reasonably strong following.

The industry leader will have shared the original posters post and you can assume that there is an element of trust between both.

Step Two

Connect with the original poster by one of the usual means – Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn – they’re usually on the Google+ profile. Try and build a relationship with that person by providing them with something of interest or value.

When you are friendly ask the person to share one of your posts via their Circles. You can then hope it will catch the influencer’s notice and they will repost it. Of course, if this doesn’t work, it’s still getting a lot of notice via your new found interaction’s followers.

Step Three

Do this with a number of people in contact with the industry leader and you will greatly increase the chances of them seeing your post.

So, take a look at Google+ Ripples and remember that by engaging with these power users you get the extra edge and you and your posts can significantly benefit.

11 Apr 2013

8 Perfect Gift Ideas For A Blogger

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8 Perfect Gift Ideas For A Blogger

31 Days to a Better Blog by Darren Rowse –Darren just released a new version of this amazing e-book for 2012.  I bought this e-book early in my blogging career and it was the BEST investment I could have made in my blogs.  I attribute most of my blogging success to this little e-book which is FULL of tips and ideas from the problogger himself.  This man built a blog from scratch to earning a six figure income each year.  He’s definitely doing something right and shares a lot of his expertise in this e-book.
Web Hosting – Having your blog on your own hosting gives you more control and more peace of mind about your content.  Your content is safer and is less likely to disappear or become inaccessible.  Sometimes the price of web hosting scares bloggers from making the important switch from Blogger to WordPress – a crucial step if you’re wanting to make more income from your blog in the long run.  It’s so important to choose the right host – I’ve personally worked with several web hosts in my blogging career and have my thoughts and recommendations on each here: How to Choose a Web Host
Market Samurai – One of the hardest parts of blogging is SEO (Search Engine Optimization).  That’s the art of getting your blog to rank higher in the search engines so that more people will find it.  More people seeing your blog links in the search engines like Google and Yahoo means more traffic for a blog – and thus potentially more income.  Market Samurai is a great tool that does the reserach for you to help you make the little changes necessary to improve your blog’s SEO and get your blog seen by more people.
Night at a coffee shop to work for a couple hours – As a work-at-home mom to two little ones, some of the best “gifts” my husband has given me during my years of blogging have been some nice quiet evenings to myself to JUST focus on blogging.  It’s amazing how much you can get done in a couple of quiet hours to yourself, with a cup of coffee.  I always come home refreshed and more ready to keep up with my blogging tasks in the weeks to come.
Custom Blog Design Makeover - There are blog designers out there to fit everyone’s budget.  Of course, you do get what you pay for… and you might be thinking that you do not have that kind of money to be investing in your blog.  Can I offer a word of advice here?  One based on personal experience?  That investment may be worth more than you can know right now!  Having a blog design that I loved, right from the beginning, would have saved me countless hours of tweaking my own designs – and it would have probably saved me money, too!  Remember that time is valuable, too – give the gift of time and beauty to that blogger on your list with a custom blog design.  Here is a blog designer who’s definitely worth looking into: Berries and Cream Blog Design
Some personal training/mentoring – Whether you’re just getting started with blogging, or you’ve been doing it for a while now, getting the personal input of someone further along in the journey can be just what you need to breathe new life into your blog!  Looking for ideas for how your blog can make more money?  Gain more followers?  Get more notice?  Consider having someone there to walk you through how to change your blog, with hands on advice just for you with a blog mentor.
Write a Tribute to Your Blogger and ask to have it published on one of their favorite blogs – Tell the story of your blogger’s blog – what they write about, how much they love it, what they’ve learned.  Tell about what it’s like living with a blogger.  Then, email the post to one of your blogger’s favorite blog owners and ask if they might consider publishing it.  What a sweet way to pay a tribute to all the work your blogger has put into their blog!  Plus, you’ll gain them some traffic AND the notice of one of their “idols”!
A Premium Theme: I recommend Thesis – If you can’t afford to hire a blog designer as suggested above, purchasing a premium WordPress theme is your next best option.  Premium themes give you so many more options in working with the design of your blog than the generic, free WordPress themes available.  With a premium theme and little bit of time to research how to make your blog look the way you want it to (there are hundreds of resources out there, just a Google search away!), your blog can take on the look and functionality that you’ve always wanted it to.  Here at Blogelina, I use and love the Thesis Theme.  If you’re looking for something that requires a bit less coding, I would also recommend the Genesis themes andElegant Themes.


40 Facebook Tips – Make Your Blog More Interactive

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Facebook is the Internet’s biggest social network. Are you participating yet?
Facebook is the Internet’s biggest social network. Are you participating yet?

Some Facebook Tips To Boost Your Reader Interaction

  1. Have you checked your Facebook settings lately? You might be surprised at the personal information you’re sharing.
  2. Did you know that you can use Facebook as a Page and not just your personal profile?Use it to post to Facebook and “Like” other Pages.
  3. Have you customized your Facebook page?Add tabs to grow your mailing list, showcase your content and more.
  4. Get and keep more Likes on your Facebook page by offering special discounts and freebies that are only offered to fans of your page.
  5. Do you have a Facebook commenting policy? It’s a must for Pages with a large following.
  6. According to Crowdspring, 51% of Facebook users are more likely to buy from companies they are following.
  7. Facebook now has over 800 million users. 200 million of those were added in 2011 alone.
  8. More than half of Facebook’s active users log in every day, totalling 400 million daily visits.
  9. Get more Facebook followers by offering a video, report or other content that can only be viewed by those who Like your page.
  10. Tagging is a great strategy to strike up a conversation on Facebook. You can tag updates, photos and more.
  11. Get more of your email subscribers to Like you on Facebook. Set up an interesting poll and invite your subscribers to respond.
  12. Most brands don’t do Facebook right.According to study by Socialbakers, brands answer only 5% of Facebook Wall posts.
  13. Have you checked your Facebook Insightslately? Check them to find out your reach, engaged users and virality.
  14. Most people have Facebook Like buttons on their blog posts, but did you know you can put a Like button on ANY web page?
  15. Facebook Like buttons can add a social boost to your website and give you more exposure, so use them readily.
  16. Make your content easy to share on Facebook by including a Facebook Share button in your blog posts.
  17. Have you considered using a Facebook commenting system on your blog? With so many people using Facebook, it’s a seamless integration for many websites.
  18. EdgeRank helps Facebook decide which content to show to users in their “Top News.” It’s a mathematical calculation based on how connected you are to the particular user, how popular the content is and how recent it is.
  19. Facebook EdgeRank Tip #1: Encourage interaction when you make posts. Ask questions, create polls and get them talking.
  20. Facebook EdgeRank Tip #2: Readily share content from a variety of sources. When users click the link, it contributes to your EdgeRank.
  21. Facebook EdgeRank Tip #3: Post regularly because the freshness of your content is a factor in EdgeRank.
  22. Fun Facebook Fact: Did you know that creator Mark Zuckerberg has red-green color blindness and that is why the site is mainly blue?
  23. Starting a Facebook Ads campaign is easy.Just look at the ads on the right side of the page and click “Create an Ad”.
  24. Test different headlines and images on your Facebook ads, but not at the same time.
  25. Keyword targeting your Facebook ads is likely to increase your conversion rate, but you may not get as many impressions.
  26. Personalize Facebook ads for better results.If people can see how their offer is of interest to others they follow, then they’re more likely to take action – see more tips in Facebook Ads 101.
  27. Facebook Groups are a great way to connect with new people and to encourage open interaction. Have you joined or started one lately? (Consider joining a Blogelina Blogging Buddy Group – start getting the blogging support you deserve!)
  28. Got tagged in a less than professional photo on Facebook? Open the photo page and click “Report / Remove Tag”. You can remove it without reporting it.
  29. Have you added new “Likes” to your Facebook Page? Show yourself as someone connected with your niche by liking relevant pages.
  30. Have you used Facebook’s list feature? It’s a great way to broadcast your content only to the people you want to share it with.
  31. Have you tried Sponsored Stories? It’s a way to get certain posts more visibility on Facebook.
  32. Facebook Timeline is a new type of profilethat allows you to showcase the photos and things that represent you best.
  33. Facebook Events is a great way to create online or in-person meetings.
  34. Did you know you can unsubscribe from Facebook updates on a person-to-person basis?
  35. Find out what you have in common with your friends with the “See Relationship” feature. You can see how long you’ve been connected on Facebook, Likes you have in common, friends in common and more.
  36. Is an ad on Facebook really bothering you?Hover over it and click the X to hide it.
  37. Don’t want to bombarded by the chat feature on Facebook? You can make yourself unavailable for chat by changing your settings.
  38. Don’t use the Poke feature if you want to make a connection on Facebook. Start a dialogue instead.
  39. Set a daily budget for your Facebook ads, to make sure that you don’t get any surprises.
  40. Remember to create your Facebook username URL for your personal profile and your Facebook Page, too.

How Are You Benefiting From Facebook In Your Blogging?

Share in the comments below!

10 Apr 2013

Shameless Blog Promotion 2013: Your Blog Post Publishing & Promotion Ritual

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Writing blog posts is one thing, promoting them is another. And although Great Content is the cornerstone of blogging success, promoting your posts is just as important. The question then is: ‘How do I promote my blog posts?’
Back in 2010 I did a post called ‘Shameless Blog Promotion’. I always send it on to clients to help them get going with promoting their posts. But it’s 2013 now. Some things have changed. So, time for an update!
I have condensed this rather lengthy post down into a 9 point action list for you to take away. Below the image you’ll find much more details.

Your Blog Post Publishing & Promotion Ritual, Blogging Section

Optimise: SEO checklist
The process of promoting your blog post starts before you publish it. Knowing your target audience, gaining insights into their needs and writing unique content that add value to them is the very essence of blogging.
But there are also some tactical thingies you need to get right so your blog posts are found in search engines.
So now that you’ve published your optimised blog post, and it can be found in search engines, you can now start with your shameless blog promotion ritual.
Syndicate across your company outposts
Your post is on the company blog, so you can now share it across your company’s outposts across the social web. Needless to say you can have many, but be sure to cover your:
  • Facebook page
  • LinkedIn Company Update (with a targeted update to your followers)
  • Twitter channel (using the right hashtags!)
  • Google+ company page (adding an insight or summary)
  • Pinterest channel (because of course you’ve used an amazing picture, right?)
Needless to say, your blog should also have a RSS feed so that people can subscribe and your latest post is automatically pushed out to them.
Share with your personal network
Next to your company’s social outposts, you can also share it across your own personal network. Again, you’ll have your favourite channels, but obviously you should consider a status update in LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+ as well as sending out a tweet on Twitter.
Also, consider adding a link to the fresh blog post in your company email signature!
PR with your immediate network
The best way to start promoting your content is to start with the people closest to you – your friends, family, colleagues and closest network. Ask them to retweet, share or like your post.
Make sure the content you are asking them to share adds value to them and their network. So be selective! And be personable. Drop them a personal email or give them a call. Like any good PR would do :-)
Also, make sure you are building on your email list. Even when it’s your personal network, colleagues and friends. Again, be personable. Ask them what they value most.
Social bookmarking
Social bookmarking is not as hot as it was back in 2010. Still, if your content fits the channel, social bookmarking sites can still be great traffic generators. There’s loads of them, but the most important ones are: DiggStumbleUponReddit and Delicious.
Also, make sure your blog gets listed with blog search engine Technorati.
Content curation
Content curation has been a hot topic in the social media space for a while now. Content curation means that you are continually finding, organising and sharing content of a specific theme or topic with your target audiences. There are many tools available. These are my favourites: is a great tool for curating a topic over a sustained period of time. is a great tool for curating news worthy stories. Get your account going, and make sure your fresh post gets added to these channels each time to increase visibility and reach! Here’s a handy little tutorial on to get you going.
You can also consider to submit the feed of your blog for submission on aggregation service Alltop or send in your optimised RSS feed for promotion on Flipboard. However, make sure your blog is publishing frequently and your content is nothing less than great.
Engage in discussion groups
Now your blog post is getting shared by your network, sent out to your email list, added to social bookmarking services and some curation platforms, it’s time to start activating some people through some good old engagement and conversation.
So, post your fresh blog post in relevant LinkedIn groups, get on Google +, join and post in relevant communities, and if possible consider adding your post to an answer thread on Quora. Remember, the web is social. Nothing wrong with engaging people and asking them for their opinion.
Comment on other people’s blogs
Now that you’re already engaging with people on social media channels, it’s time to expand the conversation to relevant blogs. Get onto Google or Google Blog search & Technorati, find relevant blog posts and join the conversation in the comment section.
However, when you leave a comment on somebody else’s blog, make sure it’s a genuine and relevant comment. Leaving a link to one of your blog posts in the comment section of somebody else’s blog is OK, but contribute to the conversation above anything else.
Any more tricks in the bag?
There’s many ways of promoting your blog. You just need to figure out what form of  promotion best fits your content and objectives.
Let’s look at a few more options:
Guest blogging:
A classical tactic of promoting your blog is Guest Blogging. The upside of blogging on someone else’s platform is that you are reaching a new audience. The downside is that it’s very time consuming, and well, erm … it’s not your platform ;-)
Content syndication:
Content syndication enables you to spread your content across different networks. The upside is that you are potentially reaching new audiences. The downside is that you are giving up some control over your content.
My advice is to take the time to research all the different options. And look before you leap.
Reformatting your content:
Depending on the type of post you are publishing, a tutorial, an opinion piece, a review or an industry commentary, think of ways to reformat your content. Your post can also become a powerpoint presentation on Slideshare, a PDF download on Scribd or a video on YouTube or Vimeo.
Reformatting your content helps to increase reach, find ability and traffic to your blog.
Advertising your blog content is maybe a bit unconventional. However, since Facebook rolled out their targeted advertising platform you can now amplify your best posts via your Facebook Page to your network of Likes and their friends.
Out of all the Facebook advertising options, these ‘Promoted Posts’ have the highest CTR. So, adding Facebook advertising to the Shameless Blog Promotion checklist makes sense!
A round-up
I have condensed this blog post into a 9 point action list of stuff you need to do before you publish your post:
  1. Optimise: SEO checklist before you publish
  2. Syndicate: to your company outposts
  3. Share: with your personal network
  4. PR: with your immediate network
  5. Bookmarking: e.g. Digg, StumbleUpon
  6. Curation: e.g., Storify
  7. Engage: e.g. LinkedIn groups, G+ discussions
  8. Comment: on other blogs
  9. Advertise: Facebook Promoted Posts.
Consider all the tricks in the book, but focus on your actual content, adding real value and having relevant conversations!
After having read this post, are there any major tactics I left out? Looking forward to you comments!
Thanks for reading, happy blogging & enjoy your shameless blog promotion. You now know how to promote your blog posts!

7 Apr 2013

10 Best & Popular Tips to Planning Idea For a New Blog

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 Planning Idea For a New Blog By Blogging Section
Today i am gоіng to write an article for nеw bloggers whо wаnt to start nеw blog. In thіѕ article i wіll write ѕоmе tips thаt уоu ѕhоuld kеер in mind bеfоrе starting a blog.Almost еvеrу nеw blogger dо mistakes on thе initial stage оf blogging.A Common ѕауіng іѕ thаt "Every human bеіng dо mistakes in thеіr live" but it dоеѕ nоt mеаn thаt wе dо mistakes аll thе times wе саn overcome thеѕе mistakes wіth thе planning so mау be уоu wіll tаkе thеѕе tips as planning.

Choose a Blogging Platform

Thеrе іѕ a lot оf blogging plateforms lіkе Blogger, WordPress, TypePad etc.Blogger аnd WordPress іѕ mоѕt common blogging plate form thаt іѕ bеіng use largely. I am аlѕо uѕіng Blogger аnd i suggest use blogger bесаuѕе іtѕ free no nееd a hosting plan to host уоur blog.If уоu wаnt to mаkе a blogger blog уоu саn use thе fоllоwіng link

Choose The Name Of Your Blog (Domain Name)

Domain Nаmе іѕ vеrу іmроrtаnt bесаuѕе оf thіѕ people knоw уоur blog аnd visit уоur blog. Itѕ јuѕt lіkе уоur business nаmе whеn уоu start a nеw business уоu decide thе nаmе оf уоur business. If уоu hаvе mаdе a free blogger or wordpress blog thеn уоu wіll gеt a free sub domain as "" or "". But i suggest уоu dо nоt use thеѕе sub domains јuѕt purchase уоur own.

Tips To Purchase a Domain Name

It Shоuld Represent Yоur Blog аnd Related To Yоur Blog.
Yоur Domain Shоuld Be Short аnd Appropriate
Blog Domain Shоuld Attract Thе Visitors аnd It Shоuld Be Easily Memorable

Design Of Your Blog

Yоur blog design or template ѕhоuld be simple аnd user friendly. Eаѕу To Navigate аnd It ѕhоuld Be attractive for уоur visitors. 

Content Of Your Blog

Content іѕ аlwауѕ thе king оf уоur blog.If уоu don’t hаvе good аnd unique content thеn whаt аll уоu dо to decorate уоur blog gоеѕ waste. Be Yоurѕеlf аnd dо nоt copy paste frоm аnу оthеr website specialty frоm Wikipedia.

Frequency of Posting

Plan уоurѕеlf hоw frequently уоu post аnd hоw оftеn уоu update уоur blog.It mау be 2 posts for 3 days or 4 posts per week plan ассоrdіng to уоur convenience.Plan posts for future to avoid delay.

Blog Promotion

Promote уоur blog on vаrіоuѕ forums аnd social networking sites. Now a days social networking site are playing a major role in success оf a blog bесаuѕе now a days еvеrу оnе use social networking sites to connect wіth friends.So mаkе use оf social networking sites lіkе facebook,twitter,google рluѕ etc.

Maintain Good Relations With Your Fellow Bloggers

Commenting on оthеr blogs аnd maintaining a good relation wіth уоur fellow bloggers аlwауѕ hеlр уоu in building уоur blog.

Guest Posting

Guest posting іѕ a good wау оf building bасk links аnd drawing attention tоwаrdѕ уоur blog.

Use Share, Follow And Good RSS Button

Uѕіng cool share ,follow аnd RSS buttons attract уоur blog аnd increase thе number оf followers to уоur blog.So if thеrе іѕ an update thеу wіll соmе bасk to уоur blog оnсе again,you саn kеер уоur readers intact wіth уоur blog.

SEO(Search Engine Optimization)

Now thіѕ іѕ thе word whісh mаnу newbies are afraid whеn thеу hear.SEO іѕ nоthіng but a strategy оf improving thе visibility оf a website or a web page in search engines lіkе google, bing аnd yahoo.Do a lіttlе research on SEO to bесоmе a successful blogger.

6 Apr 2013

10 Guaranteed Ways To Make Your Content More Shareable

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10 Guaranteed Ways To Make Your Content More Shareable,Blogging Section
Many bloggers out there may be writing great content but receive very little appreciation by the number of social shares.


That is the big question.

Even when there’s a steady stream of readers connected to the RSS feed or even though the content has numerous visits, you still do not have a clear guarantee that it will be shared by viewers. Here, we will be learning guaranteed ways to make your content more shareable.

Engage With Fans In Social Media

In Facebook, it’s not enough that you share your posts and invite more people to like your page. Sure, you gain readership but you don’t necessarily win free “viral marketing” if these fans do not share them with their network. What you need to do then is to build relationship with these people by engaging with them in social media. For instance, in Facebook, aside from your regular updates, you should be able to encourage them to post a comment, like your post and don’t forget to return comments by posting responses as well.

Earn Audience's Trust

People should not view your accounts as those being run by a robot or machine. You should be able to show your personal side and earn the reader’s trust by establishing a unique voice. In your field, your site and content should be marked as “trustworthy” in all occasions. To help you achieve this, an example you can do is to have other people post reviews about your site and share them with others.

Cater to Sharing People

There are two types of readers. One is the type who reads a lot and appreciates it by saving the page as a bookmark stored only in his or her web browser. This is the type who will save it only for own use and reference. The other one is the type who would share the content to others. The one you should target is the latter. It would be rather wasteful if you’d exert your effort only to enthusiasts who does nothing but collect information. Instead, you should watch out for people who would recommend content. You can hunt for this type of people also in social media and forums.

Write To One Person

You cannot serve several masters. If you want your content to be shared, you should have loyalty to your reader. If you think that your content caters to baby boomers who are vacation houses to retire, focus on that and don’t change the subject. Address this audience and use conversational tone in your writing.

Write Actionable Content

Readers want answers but writing your content should not only be providing answers through text but providing answers by call-to-action buttons and links. At the end of each post, place links that would link them to another page and social sharing buttons that will trigger sharing of content. The key is to entertain but at the same time, learn how to empower them to convey your message to others. Adding links that are relevant to their concern will further boost their education so they might share this page as it contains the list of references their network might be able to find interesting.

Present Infografics

Nowadays, there are free tools you can use to create your own infographics. These can fulfill part of evidence in your work. By presenting data through graphics combined with quotes, results of researches and statistics, your content will have a higher edge against competitors who only provide textual content.

Offer Giveaway Every Now and Then

People would be willing to join giveaways as they love to receive exciting prizes. So you can create mini contests where the requirements to take home the prize is to share your content, like your page, recommend your site, and so on. Track the respondents and you can set a random raffle draw to determine the winner. Give the winner a note requesting to share the word about the award.

Interview Expert And Post Insight

It’s not so often that readers find great insights from interviews with experts they follow and adore. So if your content makes this a reality, then you want a great opportunity to be found. When interviewing, choose questions that you know will mean a lot to your audience and that will receive likely more shares.

Ask For Advice

Ask for advice not from experts this time but from your audience. In your Twitter account, you may send a tweet asking for tips from followers. Do acknowledge their answers by “retweeting” the most favorable ones and “favoriting” the most promising feedback. In this way, they will feel appreciated and they will tend to do the same way—retweeting your tweets and favoriting them. End result? You will earn more followers soon.

Focus On Quality Not On Quantity

The number of words in your post determines its “share-ability”? Not exactly true. Let’s take Seth Godin’s blog posts as example. He does not write lengthy content but makes sure that each one leaves a bang to his readers every time.

Wrap On

Make shareable content is not an easy chore as you think it is. You need practice and determination to keep up. In the long term, when the word goes around, more will be more willing to do the same and it will come to full circle.



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