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7 Apr 2013

15+ Blogs To Follow For jQuery Lovers

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jQuery by Blogging Section

jQuery, being one of the most popular & powerful JavaScript frameworks around, is offering a slick experience to users at every level.
Its website is a huge resource of documentation, examples & tutorials for anyone who is into it.
Besides the documentation jQuery offers, following other jQuery users is a great way to learn more & get inspired to discover new ways for taking advantage of this library.
Here are 15+ blogs to follow for jQuery fans that frequently create jQuery-oriented content:

John Resig

John Resig,Blogging Section
Besides being the creator of jQuery, he has other creative JavaScript-related projects like:
Not only for jQuery users but for anyone into JavaScript, his blog is a great source of information & inspiration.

Official jQuery Blog

Official jQuery Blog By Blogging Section
The blog covers any type of updates related to jQuery from new versions to jQuery-related posts in the blogosphere, events & more.

Official jQuery UI Blog

Official jQuery UI Blog, Blogging Section
jQuery UI is a resource which is preferred by many jQuery users. Its blog regularly shares updates about the library and also list the websites that are powered by jQuery UI (which is a nice source of inspiration).

Filament Group Lab

Filament Group Lab By Blogging Section
Filament Group, the team who built the ThemeRoller, various jQuery plugins & jQuery UI widgets is sharing their experiences under their Lab blog.
There are both ready to use & experimental jQuery codes shared which are described & discussed in detail.

Learning jQuery

Learning jQuery By Blogging Section
This is a multi-author blog (mostly authored by Karl Swedberg of jQuery Evangelism Team) with lots of tips & tutorials on jQuery for beginners to advanced users.

jQuery For Designers

jQuery For Designers By Blogging Section
The website shares very detailed & easy to implement tutorials on interfaces that are improved by jQuery.

Brandon Aaron

Brandon Aaron By Blogging Section
He is in the development team of jQuery and, not frequently, shares great info & tips on jQuery usage.

Jörn Zaefferer (

Jörn Zaefferer ( By Blogging Section

He is also in the jQuery development team & has created many popular jQuery plugins.

Paul Bakaus

Paul Bakaus By Blogging Section
He is the creator of jQuery UI & some popular plugins like "dimensions". It is possible to find information on jQuery & jQuery UI in his blog.

James Padolsey

James Padolsey By Blogging Section
He is a freelance web developer who writes about JavaScript & has various ideas/codes shared on jQuery. One of them which you may like: jQuery plugin detector.

Soh Tanaka Blog
Soh Tanaka Blog By Blogging Section
Web designer & front-end developer Soh Tanaka has beautiful tutorials that are tailored around jQuery.

JankoAtWarpSpeed By Blogging Section
Janko Jovanovic is writing very nice tutorials that uses jQuery and also posts other web design-related articles.

nettuts By Blogging Section
One of the most popular web design tutorials website has a bunch of tutorials that heavily uses jQuery. And, the website is also a treasure with all the other articles published. By Blogging Section
Marco Kuiper, a freelance web designer & developer, is frequently postingweb development tutorials that are based on jQuery.

Build Internet!
Build Internet! By Blogging Section
Build Internet! has a collection of jQuery tutorials that are presented in detail. The website is not totally jQuery-oriented & publishes other development & web-business-related post

David Walsh
David Walsh By Blogging section
He is in the MooTools development team. However, he mostly shares the jQuery versions of the snippets he creates which is also a nice way to compare jQuery with another great framework.

jQuery How To
jQuery How To By Blogging Section
The website is totally focused on jQuery content. It shares code snippets, "how-to"s that can be handy for and jQuery user.

WebResourcesDepot (shameless self-promotion)
 WebResourcesDepot (shameless self-promotion) By Blogging Section
WRD, time-by-time, shares tutorials on jQuery, like:
Also, it is possible to find lots of jQuery plugins & information (like this post) regularly.
 That's all are the Platform Which Teaches you jQuery Time to Time But If You Don't Want to Go Anywhere  don't Worry Time to Time I will Teach You jQuery on Blogging Section Here Only.
Any others you know that are missing? Please share them in the comments.


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